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Envelope 信封 surat Vide
Envelope 信封 surat Vide
Envelope 信封 surat Vide
Envelope 信封 surat Vide
Envelope 信封 surat Vide
Envelope 信封 surat Vide
Envelope 信封 surat Vide
Envelope 信封 surat Vide

Envelope 信封 surat

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帖子主题: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime11/14/2008, 8:53 pm

An envelope is a packaging product, usually made of flat material such as paper or cardboard, and designed to contain a flat object, which in a postal-service context is usually a letter, card or bills.


Surat akan digunakan sebagai bungkusan , atau mengsuratkan surat bill , kards ,surat rasmi ,dan tak rasmi .

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帖子主题: 回复: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime11/14/2008, 8:58 pm

Envelope 信封 surat Envelope


This style of envelope is mainly used for catalogs, magazines and reports.

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帖子主题: 回复: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime11/14/2008, 9:01 pm

Envelope 信封 surat C6_cream_envelope

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帖子主题: 回复: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime11/14/2008, 9:03 pm

Envelope 信封 surat 30875Envelope 信封 surat Air-envelope
Envelope 信封 surat AnnouncementAnnouncementThese are very common envelopes. The flaps are usually pointed or flat. Mostly used for announcements, invitations, cards, small booklets, brochures or promotional pieces.

由Admin于11/21/2008, 8:36 pm进行了最后一次编辑,总共编辑了3次
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帖子主题: 回复: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime11/14/2008, 9:06 pm

Envelope 信封 surat Red_envelope_miguel_ugalde


These envelopes are mostly used for sending catalogs, folders and the like.

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帖子主题: 回复: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime11/14/2008, 9:10 pm

Envelope 信封 surat C5-envelopeEnvelope 信封 surat 0821envelopeEnvelope 信封 surat Is290019

Envelope 信封 surat Commercial


These are the most popular envelopes for business correspondence, that we send and receive every day. They usually have commercial flap.
They are mostly used for letterheads, invoices, statements, checks, writing stationery and direct marketing mailings.

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帖子主题: 回复: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime11/14/2008, 9:28 pm

Envelope 信封 surat Millenium_5030
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帖子主题: 回复: Envelope 信封 surat   Envelope 信封 surat Icon_minitime12/31/2008, 5:00 pm

Envelope 信封 surat Envelope2Envelope 信封 surat 65322TA6PinkEnvelope


These are more formal envelopes, are deeper and typically use a pointed flap. They are popular for invitations.
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Envelope 信封 surat

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